Saturday, April 11, 2009

Is this what you call love ?

Is this what you call love ?

They said they loved each other , 

they promised to live together 

and part never ever


They said they needed each other 

and one was  incomplete without the other 

They said they were in love 

and come what may 

nothing can take them away 


Time flew 

two years  down the drain 

SHE said its time to part


She said you were not my choice 

and he was left wondering what went wrong 


She said its all over 

he was thinking where did he falter 


She said we can be friends 

he asked her 

what about the promises you made 

and swears you took 

pledging yourself to me forever 


And thus they parted 

for no reason her love evaporated....  


and he was left wondering 

where he went wrong 


how could he be duped 

for three long years 

and could never see through the eyes 

he would stare for hours everyday.


he always loved her 

always respeced her 

and made her strong 


When ever things went wrong 

he would be there for her 


And look what she did 

she didnt even think twice 


before one fine day 

calling up and saying  

 " I am in love with another guy again " 


I said  lets call her names 

lets make her realise thats its not fun 

playing with others emotions 


He said please don't say anything about her 

i still respect and love her .


i was there 

when this happened 

though i never uttered a word 

but i cant stop me from realising 

that if this is love 

then i am happy 

that i am not in love 


I am happy that i never made any promises 

that would be so mercilessly broken 

i am happy i saw no dreams

that would be so harshly  trampled 

if this is love 

i am happy i am single 


if love has to end in treachery and faithlessness its prudent never to LOVE 



AG said...

i like the way uv put the incident into words.
wn things have to happen they will
all we can hope is they happened for the best!
n something good would come outta it

lucifier said...

i don't know it happened for good or worse all i know is no one has right to hurt and USE someonle like this .. i know they reason why she did it behind her charming face lay this cunning brain. Its beacuse of these people LOVE is losing its meaning

@nshul said...

love and life jst cant go together........!!

@nshul said...

love and life jst cant go together........!!

Unknown said...

Love,treachery, sadness, somehow go hand in hand....
But then how many people have not fallen in love atleast once in life?
Good work,,,Cheers(;

chetna said...

very well written sir.. n so true..